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With the use of the product in tomato, it is possible to increase your productivity by getting higher quality fruit, without causing damage to the environment, since this product contains no toxic principles in its composition.
The average fruit weight was affected by the treatments in which the product was used, with the highest average weight per fruit with 198.54 g and a superiority in the production of 28.50% compared to conventional treatment. This indicates a greater potential of these treatments in relation to the accumulation of dry matter, as well as greater efficiency of plants treated by getting a more efficient assimilation of nutrients, providing greater stability nutritional hence greater resistance to adversity of the environment and to pests and diseases, providing an environment in which the plant can better express their genetic potential.
In most parameters evaluated as plant height, length and width of leaves, number of bunches per plant, pulp thickness, height of fruits, fruit diameter, fruit weight and brix content, treatments that had the product showed results superior to the control.







On lettuce, compared with control after 2 weeks of planting noted that plants in which it was used the product had equivalent growth over 1 day, never getting yellow and the leaf had a brighter color.
It was found that when used fungicides and anti Mildew of analyzes being made residues parameters exceed the maximum residual 100%, which indicates that the amount of fungicides used in the culture are lower by 50%. This tells us that the product in question decreases the use of fungicides.
Lettuces that were made in these tests were harvested ten days before the witness. On the same day compared the weight and it was observed that the lettuce is applied where the product had 80% more weight with a basal formation and general appearance more attractive.


In experiments with strawberry, using the product fertigation systems, there was an increase of 12.74% by weight of fruit compared to the control.
In the analysis made ​​in plants, the witness was lower than treatment with the product, resulting in improved root length, shoot weight, root weight and stem diameter. But the main difference occurred in the content of the Brix of fruits, higher than 28%.


In forest areas for the production of wood has a gain of 20% efficiency. A tree that would take ten years to reach the cutoff point can be taken from the forest eight years if used our product.
The use of it results in cost reduction, time saving and leaf mass gain, which increases the absorption of carbon dioxide.




Composting includes all biological reactions complex comprising the decomposition of organic matter under aerobic conditions (ie, live microorganisms that come in contact with the air).

The compound obtained from the product is of a higher quality than that found in the trade. It has high agronomic value because it has no phyto-toxins, has a high amount of organic material composed well with humus-rich microorganisms that are useful agricultural sciences, in addition, is odorless and free from weeds.

The recycling of wastes in agriculture stabilized through composting and energy-saving materials. With more detail, companies see a real savings in buying fertilizer synthesized with our product are required 30-70% less and saving reaches 60-90% by acquiring micro elements, plants are hardier and require less treatment with phyto-pharmaceuticals, sparing in its acquisition and distribution, there is less need progressively, year after year, working the land in depth and less use of mechanical accompanied by a lower power consumption.

The benefits are clear in the ecosystem due to less use of gasoline, chemical fertilizers and phyto-pharmaceuticals.

Organic substances to the soil humus returned generate a real increase in quality and quantity ratio in improving agricultural production.



The water used in households, industries and even sewage can be reclaimed by the use of a biological treatment using bacteria.

The water can be reused after going through the process of decanting.

Agriculture also can benefit from this work - after decantation, water produces an organic sludge that used in the cultivation of orange and lemon, for example, causes the fruit is sweeter and less acidic. Another benefit is the production of healthy and nutritious foods.

Water Sewage


Forest areas




PDF's of performed tests

"Help the Planet. Ensure the Future!"

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